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Pixar's Boudin news

MessagePosté: Ven Nov 28, 2003 10:10 pm
par Roberto Chicachico
Je viens de voir la news de Cé sur Boudin' de Pixar. Voilà l'article qui dévoile un peu de quoi ça parle ce court métrage de ouf !! Y a pas grand chose... Bon à vrai dire je vais faire un copier/coller de l'article ! :oops:

> Short Film Review: BOUNDIN'. Pixar's latest short BOUNDIN' could best be classified as humor-light: inoffensive, bordering on sappy, so utterly charming and sweet that it makes you feel dirty watching it. Our world simply can't be this happy-go-lucky and feel-good. Well our world be damned. This is Pixar's world and indeed it can, and it will, be this joyful. Everything about this film is fun and beautiful: the art direction, the character designs, the music (also by the director, Pixar veteran Bud Luckey), and especially the character animation. This is some of the sharpest and funniest computer animation I've seen, no lethargic CG timing here; at times the characters move with the vigorous snappy timing of a George Pal Puppetoon, at other times they exude the fluid appeal of the best hand-drawn character animation from the Golden Age. Much like FOR THE BIRDS and GERI'S GAME, I'm going to want to see this film many times over to appreciate all its subtle nuances and absolute greatness. When Pixar is good, they are GOOD, and in the current world of CG character animation, one would be hard-pressed to find any studio that approaches their league. Cheers to Bud Luckey and crew!

J'ai la flemme de tout traduire, désolé ! :wink: